Dying to know day was a lively event

Panel members at the DYing to know dayCOTA organised Dying to Know Day (August 8th) COTA under the auspices of North Sydney MP, Kylea Tink. NSW member and dying well advocate Jill Nash co-organised a fantastic line up of speakers to discuss Death, Dying and Grief.
Jill spoke poignantly about the loss of her baby daughter and then her husband when she was just 41. Informed by these traumatic experiences, Jill is taking control of her future by gathering information and documents and starting personal conversations now, so that her family are prepared for her death and dying when the time comes.

Alice Mantel, another COTA NSW member, also shared her specialist legal expertise on how to go about getting your affairs in order many years before you may think you will need to.

Alice is also the featured expert in the Planning for the Unexpected series produced by OWN NSW.

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